Saying Good-Bye to Summer

Chairs by the Water
Near Sheffield Island Harbor, Connecticut – 2024

To me, this is the definition of summer in Connecticut. Adirondack chairs by a Long Island Sound inlet. I wonder if anyone ever sits here. I hope they do. I would, if I lived on this quiet lane. It looks like the perfect place to read a book. Or write one. I can almost smell the salt water and hear the chatter of birds and the hum of crickets. I took this photo in July. I’m sad to think summer is gone now. Ever since I was a kid, it was always my favorite time of year here in New England. One reason was the freedom that came from being out of school. But that wasn’t the only thing. I loved the long days, the fresh-cut-grass smell in the air, the sight of lightning bugs in the evening. I’m sad to think summer is gone.

Morning View

All summer we’ve been in Connecticut and have enjoyed the view from our kitchen windows. The lawn in our back yard rolls down to the Saugatuck River and we often get a lovely, long-legged heron strutting about down there, likely hunting for food. We’re also home to two barred owls who sometimes have late-night conversations, filling the air with their eerily beautiful sounds. This morning I heard a red-shouldered hawk in one of our trees – identified by the Merlin bird ID app. I wish I could take credit for knowing what it was. Maybe next time.